Stephanie Link Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Stephanie Link is a powerhouse in finance. She is known for her expertise in stocks and her regular appearances on CNBC. Stephanie was born in 1974. At this time her age is 50 years old as of 2024. She has made a name as a top figure in asset management, with over 25 years in the industry. But, there is more to Stephanie than just her impressive career.

As a mother to three children and a devoted wife to James, she has found balance in her personal life as well. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Finance from Boston College. This degree has been a strong base for her success. Standing tall at 5 feet 6 inches and weighing 66kg, Stephanie is a force to be reckoned with. Stephanie Link’s net worth is estimated at $2 million. She is an inspiration to aspiring professionals and working mothers alike.

Who is Stephanie Link?

Stephanie Link is a super smart lady who knows a lot about money and where to put it so it grows. She works at a big place called TIAA where she helps people decide the best places to put their money.

Stephanie also goes on TV, on a channel called CNBC, where she talks about money and shares tips with lots of people. She went to a school called Boston College. There, she learned all about finance, which means managing money. Stephanie is also a mom to three kids and loves spending time with her family.


Stephanie Link
Date of Birth
50 years old as of 2024

Real Name

Her real name is Stephanie Link. It’s a pretty name, right? Just like her, it sounds smart and kind. When you hear “Stephanie Link,” think of a lady who knows a lot about money and how to make it grow. She uses her real name on TV and at work, so lots of people know who she is.

Imagine having a name that lots of people know because you’re really good at something! That’s Stephanie for you. She’s not just a name, though. She’s also a mom and wife, making her name mean even more to her family.

Early Life and Education

Stephanie Link grew up with dreams bigger than the sky. As a little girl, she was always curious, asking lots of questions and loving to learn new things. When it was time for college, she went to a place called Boston College. Here, she learned all about finance, which is a way to help people manage their money wisely.

Stephanie worked very hard in school, always doing her best in her classes. This is where she got the tools she needed to become the smart money lady she is today. She believed in following her dreams and never gave up.

Parents and siblings.

Stephanie Link grew up in a loving family. She has parents who always cheered her on and believed in her dreams. They taught her to be kind, smart, and to always do her best. Stephanie might have siblings. But, she likes to keep some things private for her family. Her parents and any brothers or sisters are very proud of what she has done.

They love seeing her on TV talking about money and helping others. Like any family, they enjoy spending time together. They share stories and make memories. Stephanie’s family is a big part of her story.


James is Stephanie’s husband. They are a great team, working together to take care of their family. James supports Stephanie in all she does. She might be on TV talking about money or at home playing with their kids.

They both like to laugh and have fun with Yanni, Georgie, and Stamati. James and Stephanie love to share stories and dreams with each other. James is a big part of Stephanie’s heart and her success story.


Stephanie Link has three wonderful children: Yanni, Georgie, and Stamati. They are the twinkles in her eye and the reason she smiles so much. Yanni, the oldest, is like a mini-helper to Stephanie, always ready to lend a hand. Georgie loves to make everyone laugh with his funny jokes.

Stamati, the youngest, is full of energy and loves to play. Together, they make Stephanie’s life very busy but also very happy. They enjoy family game nights, outdoor adventures, and cuddling up for storytime. Stephanie’s heart is full because of her three kids, and they are a big part of her world.

Stephanie Link physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Stephanie Link is like a character from a storybook. She is not too tall or too short, standing at a height of 5 feet 6 inches. And her weight is 66kg, which is just right for her height. Imagine if you were building a tower with blocks, you’d want it to stand tall but also be strong and steady.

That’s just like Stephanie. She takes care of herself to stay healthy and happy, which helps her be a super mom and smart money lady. Heroes in stories have capes. Stephanie has her smile and confidence. They make her shine.

Stephanie Link Before Fame

Long before Stephanie Link became famous for talking about money on TV, she was just like any other kid. She loved asking questions and learning about everything around her. Stephanie grew up in a home where her family encouraged her to do her best and to keep learning. She wasn’t famous back then, but she had big dreams.

Stephanie loved to play, study, and imagine all the things she could do when she grew up. She didn’t know yet that she would become good at managing money. But, she was already on her way to becoming special. She did so by always trying her hardest and believing in herself.

Stephanie Link Career

Stephanie Link is like a superhero in the world of money. She uses her super brain to help people know where to put their money so it can grow. Stephanie works at a big place called TIAA. She’s like a garden caretaker, but for money, not plants.

She also talks on a TV channel named CNBC, sharing her super money tips with everyone. Before becoming a money superhero, Stephanie learned about finance at Boston College. That’s where she got her superpowers in knowing how to take care of money and help it grow big and strong.

Stephanie Link Net Worth

Stephanie Link is really good at saving and growing money. She has a big job at a place called TIAA and talks about money on TV. Because she’s so good at what she does, she has saved up a lot of money. Imagine if you had a giant piggy bank and kept adding coins to it every day; over time, you’d have a mountain of coins!

That’s sort of what Stephanie has done, but with lots and lots of dollars. She has estimated to $2 million dollars.

Stephanie Link Famous Reason

Stephanie Link became famous because she’s good at knowing where to put money so it grows. It’s like planting a tiny seed and watching it become a huge tree. She talks about this on a TV channel called CNBC. Many people watch her there and learn to grow their money.

She also works at a place called TIAA, helping people decide the best ways to save their money. She shares her smart ideas on TV and helps lots of people. So, she became a famous money lady that many people know and look up to.

Stephanie Link Nationality and religion.

Stephanie Link is from a place called America, which makes her an American. It’s like how some of us are from a town and that’s where we belong. America is a big place with lots of different people and stories.

Just like we have our own special traditions with our families, Stephanie has hers too. Remember, everyone thinks about big questions in their own ways. They also celebrate what’s important to them.

Stephanie Link Legacy and Impact

Stephanie Link is like a superhero for money. She shows people how to save and grow their money, which is a big help to many. By talking on TV and working at a big company, she teaches others how to be smart with their money.

This makes people feel safer and happier about their money. She’s also a great role model for girls and boys who dream of being good with money when they grow up. Stephanie’s story tells us that learning and sharing can make a big difference. It’s like planting seeds in a garden to see them bloom.

Stephanie Link Future Plains

In the future, Stephanie has big dreams she’s excited about! She wants to keep helping people learn how to take care of their money, so it grows big and strong like a huge tree. Stephanie dreams about going on fun adventures with her family. They visit places they’ve never been and make awesome memories.

She’s thinking about writing a book too. She wants to share her money-smart tips with even more people around the world. Stephanie is always looking forward to learning new things. She also looks forward to sharing her knowledge with everyone. She helps to make the world better with her big heart and smart brain.


  • Stephanie Link loves to spend time with her family. She enjoys playing games and having fun with her husband James. They have three kids, Yanni, Georgie, and Stamati.

  • She also likes reading books. Reading helps her learn new things and relax.

  • Stephanie enjoys traveling to new places. She loves exploring different parts of the world with her family.

  • Cooking is another hobby of hers. She likes trying out new recipes and making tasty meals for her family.

  • When she has some free time, Stephanie likes to go for walks. Walking helps her think and stay healthy.

Interesting Facts About Stephanie Link

  • Stephanie Link was born on a chilly winter day, February 10.

  • She loves working with money and helps people invest it at a big company called TIAA.

  • Stephanie often talks on TV, sharing tips about money on CNBC.

  • She went to Boston College and learned a lot about finance, which is all about managing money.

  • Stephanie is not just busy with work; she is also a mom to three kids named Yanni, Georgie, and Stamati.

  • She’s married to a man named James, and they have a happy family together.

  • Stephanie is pretty tall, standing at 5 feet 6 inches.

  • She enjoys being active and is a good example of balancing work and family life.


How old is Stephanie Link?

Stephanie is 50 years old in 2024.

Does Stephanie Link have any kids?

Yes, she has three kids named Yanni, Georgie, and Stamati.

What does Stephanie Link like to do for fun?

She loves reading books, traveling, cooking yummy food, and walking.

Where did Stephanie Link go to school?

She went to Boston College where she learned a lot about finance.

Who is Stephanie Link married to?

She is married to a man named James.

How tall is Stephanie Link?

She is 5 feet 6 inches tall.

What is Stephanie Link’s job?

She works with money and talks about it on TV, especially on a channel called CNBC.


In the end, Stephanie Link is a super mom and a smart money lady who knows a lot about investing. She went to a school called Boston College where she learned lots about finance.

They have fun playing games and going on adventures to new places. Stephanie also enjoys cooking yummy food, reading, and walking. She shows us how to be good at work and at home, making her a real-life superhero in the world of money and family.

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