Heather Cole Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Heather Cole is a name that has been making headlines for the past decade, and for good reason. Heather was born on July 1, 1991 in the United States. She has made a name for herself as a health and fitness advocate.

She is also the ex-wife of radio personality Bubba the Love Sponge Clem. As of 2024, Heather is 33 years old and her net worth is estimated to be $3 million.

Who is Heather Cole?

Heather Cole is someone lots of people have talked about. She used to be married to a man named Bubba, who talks on the radio. Heather loves being outside, running around, and keeping her body strong and healthy. She’s a mom to a little girl named Julia, who she loves very much.

Heather has also worked to help people learn about staying healthy. She did this with something called AdvoCare. She was once in the news because of a video with a wrestler named Hulk Hogan. Heather is a busy lady who takes good care of her health and family.


Heather Cole
Date of Birth
July 1, 1991
33 years old as of 2024
United States
Real Name

Heather Cole’s real name is a little different from what we usually call her. It’s Heather Dawn Cole. Just like how sometimes superheroes have a special name for saving the day. Heather has her own special name too. But instead of flying around in a cape, she uses her real name in her everyday adventures.

Whether she’s being a mom, working out, or helping others be healthy, Heather Dawn Cole is always ready to do her best. It’s a name that means a lot to her and tells us who she really is.

Early Life and Education

Heather Cole grew up in a place called the United States. When she was a little girl, just like you, she went to school every day. She learned to read, write, and do math. Heather also liked to play during recess and eat lunch with her friends.

She probably had to do homework too, just like you. We don’t know which school she went to, but we do know she liked learning new things. Heather always tried her best in school, which helped her grow up to be the smart and healthy person she is today.

Parents and siblings.

Heather Cole grew up with her family, just like you have yours. She has a mom and a dad who loved her very much from the day she was born. They taught her how to be kind, strong, and smart.

Heather might have brothers or sisters, but we don’t know much about them. Just like you play games and share toys with your siblings, Heather probably did the same with hers if she has any. Her family helped her become the amazing person she is today. They were always there for each other, sharing laughs and hugs.


Heather Cole once had a husband named Bubba, who she loved a lot. They decided to get married and were together for a while. But, like in some stories, princes and princesses don’t stay together. Heather and Bubba chose to go their separate ways.

Since then, we don’t hear much about Heather having a boyfriend. She keeps her life private. Heather focuses on being a great mom to her daughter, Julia. She stays healthy and strong. Life has unexpected turns, like in fairy tales. But, Heather keeps moving forward with a smile.

Heather Cole physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Heather Cole stands as tall as a superhero, at 5 feet 6 inches! Imagine stacking six big lego blocks on top of each other; that’s how tall she is. And her weight is 57kg.

Heather looks strong and healthy. She loves to exercise and eat yummy, good-for-you foods. She always makes sure she’s taking care of her body. Heather has a fit and happy figure. It shows she’s ready to play, run, and have fun, like cartoon characters. She’s always smiling and full of energy.

Heather Cole Before Fame

Before Heather Cole became famous, she was just like any other girl growing up in the United States. She went to school, learned lots of interesting things, and played with her friends. Heather has always liked to stay active and healthy, even when she was a little girl.

She enjoyed running around in the sunshine and playing sports. Heather also liked eating yummy foods that made her strong. Every day, she was learning and getting ready for the adventures ahead. This was a special time for Heather, filled with fun, learning, and lots of play.

Heather Cole Career

Heather Cole is a superhero in staying healthy and fit. She helps others learn to eat well and exercise. She does this through something cool called AdvoCare. Think of her like a teacher. But, instead of teaching math, she shows grown-ups and kids how to be strong and happy with their bodies.

She’s had tough times. Like a big, unexpected adventure with Hulk Hogan. But, she uses her story to help others. Heather isn’t just a mom or Bubba’s ex. She’s a health hero. She teaches people to care for themselves.

Heather Cole Net Worth and Financial Independence

Imagine having a big piggy bank that’s filled with not just hundreds, but millions of shiny coins. That’s kind of like what Heather Cole has! Her net worth is estimated to be $3 million.

This isn’t just any piggy bank; it’s her special treasure that shows how much she’s accomplished by helping others stay healthy and by being smart with her money. She doesn’t need to rely on anyone else to buy the things she needs because her piggy bank, her net worth, lets her take care of herself and her daughter, making them a super team!

Heather Cole Famous Reason

Heather Cole became really famous because of a video that was shared all over the place. In this video, she was with a big, strong wrestler named Hulk Hogan. Videos like these can surprise a lot of people and get talked about a lot.

That’s why so many people started to know who Heather was. It wasn’t because of a movie or a song, but because this video got so much attention. Sometimes, things happen that make people famous overnight. For Heather, this video was one of those things.

Heather Cole Nationality and religion.

Heather Cole was born in a big place called the United States, which means she is American. America is like a giant home where people from all different places come to live, learn, and play together. As for her beliefs, does she have a special faith or religion? We don’t know much about that part of her life.

Like everyone, has their favorite colors or foods. People also have different, special beliefs. She , like all of us, has her own unique story about where she comes from and what she believes.

Heather Cole Social Media

Heather Cole likes to share parts of her life online. It’s like when you share your favorite drawings or stories with friends. She uses websites called social media. On them, she posts pictures of her and her daughter, Julia. They show them having fun, staying fit, and going on adventures.

Sometimes, she also shares tips on how to eat yummy, healthy foods and how to play in ways that make your body strong. It’s like showing a colorful scrapbook of your day to people far away.

Heather Cole Legacy and Impact

Heather Cole’s story teaches us about bravery and speaking up. Things got really hard. Everyone was talking about her because of a video. But, Heather didn’t hide. She stood up tall, like a superhero in your favorite comic book. Heather’s journey shows us it’s okay to make mistakes because we can always learn from them.

She stays strong. Heather loves health and fitness. She takes good care of her family. She helps others see how important it is to be kind and to never give up. Heather’s story is like a lighthouse, shining bright, showing us how to find our way even when it’s dark.

Heather Cole Future Plains

Looking ahead, Heather Cole has some exciting plans up her sleeve! She wants to keep teaching people how to be strong and healthy. Imagine Heather as a superhero. But, instead of fighting bad guys, she’s fighting for a healthier world.

Heather also dreams of traveling to new places. There, she can learn and share new health tips with friends and family. She’s like a treasure hunter. She’s always searching for new adventures. They can help her and others feel their best.


  • Heather loves being active and healthy. She likes to run and play sports outside. Running makes her feel fast and free.

  • She enjoys doing workouts at the gym. It helps her stay strong and happy.

  • Cooking yummy and healthy food is one of her hobbies. She likes making meals that are good for you.

  • Heather has fun spending time with her daughter, Julia. They do crafts and play games together.

  • Reading books about health and fitness is something she likes to do. It teaches her new ways to be healthy.

  • Going on adventures and traveling to new places is exciting for her. She loves seeing new things with her family.

Interesting Facts About Heather Cole

  • Heather Cole was born on July 1, 1991. That makes her a summer baby!

  • She used to be married to a radio guy named Bubba.

  • Heather has a daughter named Julia. Julia is her mini-me!

  • She loves staying healthy and fit. It’s like a game to her!

  • Heather once made a big splash in the news with a wrestler named Hulk Hogan. It was a surprise!

  • She is pretty tall, as tall as a kitchen fridge standing at 5 feet 6 inches.

  • Heather believes in helping others to feel great, which is why she talks about AdvoCare.

  • Heather has a treasure chest worth $3 million!


What’s Heather Cole’s real name?

Her real name is Heather Dawn Cole.

How tall is Heather?

She’s as tall as 6 stacked large pizza boxes, 5 feet 6 inches!

Who was Heather married to?

She was married to a man named Bubba the Love Sponge Clem.

Does Heather have kids?

Yes, she has a daughter named Julia. Julia is her best buddy!

What does Heather like to do?

She loves running around, making healthy food, and reading books about staying fit. She also enjoys going on fun trips with her family.

Why do people know Heather?

People know her because she was married to Bubba and also because of a big news story with wrestler Hulk Hogan.


In our story about Heather Cole, we’ve learned a lot! From her early days, being married to Bubba, to becoming a super mom to Julia, Heather has had quite the journey. She loves to keep moving, cooking healthy foods, and exploring new places with her family. Plus, she had a big moment with Hulk Hogan that many people talked about.

Heather shows us that staying fit and taking care of your health can make life fun. She has worked hard and has a big treasure because of it. Remember, being kind, healthy, and adventurous like Heather can lead to a happy story in our own lives too!

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