Patrick St. Esprit Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Patrick St. Esprit has captivated audiences for decades. His presence and acting skills are versatile. This veteran actor has an impressive resume in TV and film. He is a household name. Born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, in 1955, St. Esprit is 69. He is making waves in the entertainment industry.

Who is Patrick St. Esprit?

Patrick St. Esprit is a man who pretends to be different people on TV and in movies. He acts like he’s someone else and wears cool costumes to make it look real. Imagine playing dress-up and pretend every day; that’s what Patrick does for his job!

He has been in a lot of shows where he plays as a police officer or a leader, making sure everyone is safe. Patrick has been doing this for a long time and knows how to make believe really well. He loves acting and works hard to make his pretend characters come to life for people watching at home.


Patrick St. Esprit
Date of Birth
69 years old as of 2024
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Real Name

Patrick St. Esprit’s real name is actually the same as what you see on TV and in movies! Yes, when his parents first saw him, they named him Patrick St. Esprit, and that name has stuck with him ever since.

Sometimes, your friends might have the same name at home and at school. Patrick’s name is the same at home, playing with his cat, or pretending to be someone else on the big screen. So, when you hear the name Patrick St. Esprit, you know exactly who people are talking about!

Early Life and Education

Patrick St. Esprit was a young boy who grew up in a place called Bridgeport, which is in Connecticut. As a kid, he probably played games, went to school, and maybe even acted in plays just like you. When he was older, he decided he loved acting so much that he wanted to learn how to do it even better.

So, he went to a special school called the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, which is in a big city named New York City. There, he learned all about acting, like how to pretend to be different people and make it look real.

Parents and siblings.

Patrick St. Esprit grew up in a family just like you might have. He has a mom and a dad who gave him his cool name. Imagine calling out “Patrick!” and he would come running, maybe after playing or finishing his homework.

Patrick also might have brothers or sisters, just like some of your friends or even you do! Siblings are buddies to play with, share secrets, and sometimes argue over toys. But, we don’t know their names or stories. Patrick’s family was special to him, helping him become the person he is, full of smiles and ready to act!


Patrick St. Esprit found love with Tawny Moyer, a beautiful actress. They both share a love for acting and being in movies, which is pretty cool! Together, they live in a big, sunny place called Los Angeles, where lots of movies are made. Patrick and Tawny love to spend time together. They enjoy traveling to new places and cuddling with their cat, Stella.

They are a team, helping each other in their acting jobs and sharing lots of smiles and laughs every day. It’s nice to have someone special to share your dreams and adventures with, just like Patrick and Tawny do.


Patrick St. Esprit might share dad stories. Your friends might talk about their fun family times. But, we don’t have a lot of details about children in his family story. Just like in some of your favorite books, not every chapter tells us everything.

Maybe Patrick likes to keep some stories just for family, like a special secret. Remember, every family has different stories and ways to share them. So, while we chat about his movies, cat, and adventures, we respect his wish to save some tales for family moments.

Patrick St. Esprit physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Patrick St. Esprit is as tall as a basketball hoop, standing 6 feet high! Imagine looking up to see someone that tall. He weight is around 78 kg. This means he’s strong and healthy, just right for playing all the cool and brave characters on TV and in movies.

Patrick looks just like a hero from your favorite stories, ready to save the day. His height and weight make him look like a police leader or a daring explorer in the adventures he pretends to be in.

Patrick St. Esprit Before Fame

Long before Patrick St. Esprit was famous for playing big roles on TV and in movies, he was just like any other kid. He grew up in Bridgeport. He probably played games and imagined being a hero. Patrick may have acted out stories with his friends and family.

Patrick, like you, had dreams. He wanted to entertain and tell stories to the world. He loved acting so much that he decided to go to a special school to learn all about it. This was just the start of his journey to becoming the star we know today.

Patrick St. Esprit Career

Patrick St. Esprit’s job is to be an actor, which means he pretends to be different people in TV shows and movies. Imagine playing pretend, but doing it on a big TV or movie screen where lots of people can see you! That’s what Patrick does. He started acting a long time ago after he learned how to be really good at pretending at a special school.

He’s been in shows where he acts like a police boss in “S.W.A.T.” and a guy named Elliot in “Sons of Anarchy.” He’s also pretended to be a part of solving big mysteries in movies and shows. He gets to dress up in costumes and make believe he’s someone else, which sounds like a fun job!

Patrick St. Esprit Net Worth

Patrick St. Esprit is like a treasure hunter. He has collected many golden coins from his acting adventures. Think of every TV show or movie he acts in as a quest where he finds more coins for his treasure chest. All these coins add up to what we call “net worth.” For Patrick, his treasure chest is filled with about $2 million worth of golden coins.

That’s a lot of coins! Imagine if you had a treasure chest that big, you could buy lots of toys and treats. Patrick’s treasure shows how hard he’s worked in his acting quests.

Patrick St. Esprit Famous Reason

Patrick St. Esprit became super famous for his great acting. He can act like different people on TV and in movies. People really liked watching him as a tough but fair police boss in “S.W.A.T.” and as a friend in “Sons of Anarchy.” He even pretended to solve big mysteries in a story about famous singers.

Imagine playing pretend and everyone enjoying it so much that they know your name! That’s what happened to Patrick. He’s good at making believe, and that’s why lots of people know who he is and like to watch him act.

Patrick St. Esprit Nationality and religion.

Patrick St. Esprit comes from a place called the United States, making him an American. It’s like when you tell someone where you’re from, your city or state. But, in Patrick’s case, it’s his country.

The United States is a big place with lots of different people and stories. He has a secret garden of beliefs. He keeps it to himself. It includes whether he prays and which holidays he celebrates. Like everyone in your class, Patrick has his own beliefs. They may differ from yours.

Patrick St. Esprit Legacy and Impact

Patrick St. Esprit is like a superhero in the world of movies and TV shows. Like superheroes who save the day, Patrick has left a mark. He is an amazing actor. He shows everyone that with hard work and believing in yourself, you can make your dreams come true.

Because of Patrick, people everywhere get to see cool stories come to life on their screens. He inspires lots of people, maybe even you, to follow their dreams and maybe become actors too. Patrick’s story teaches us that kindness, hard work, and fun can make a big, positive impact on the world.

Patrick St. Esprit Future Plains

Patrick St. Esprit has some exciting plans for the future. Imagine having a treasure map that leads to new adventures. That’s what Patrick’s future looks like! He wants to keep acting in TV shows and movies, bringing more stories to life.

Maybe he’ll pretend to be a superhero or explore space in a new movie! Patrick dreams of traveling to new places with his wife, Tawny, and their cat, Stella. Plus, he’s thinking about learning more fun things, like playing guitar better. Just like planning for a big, fun trip, Patrick is getting ready for lots of new adventures.


  • Patrick St. Esprit loves to spend time with his cat, Stella. They play and cuddle a lot.
  • He enjoys watching movies. Sometimes, he watches the ones he acts in!
  • Patrick likes to go for walks. It helps him think and stay healthy.
  • He also likes to read books. Reading takes him on adventures without leaving home.
  • Cooking is another fun activity for him. He tries new recipes to share with friends.
  • Patrick loves to travel with his wife, Tawny. They visit cool places and see new things together.
  • He is interested in learning to play guitar. Music makes him happy.

Interesting Facts About Patrick St. Esprit

  • Patrick St. Esprit was born in a place called Bridgeport.
  • He went to a big school for acting in New York City.
  • Patrick moved to a sunny city, Los Angeles, to be in movies and TV shows.
  • He has been in a TV show where he played a police leader in S.W.A.T.
  • Once, he pretended to be a man named Elliot in a show about motorcycle friends.
  • He acted as a boss in a story about solving mysteries of famous singers.
  • Patrick loves cats! He has a cat named Stella.
  • He has worked with famous people like Kevin Coster and Jennifer Lawrence in movies.


What shows is Patrick in?

Patrick stars in “S.W.A.T.” as a police boss, “Sons of Anarchy” as Elliot, and a big mystery show about Tupac and Notorious B.I.G.

How tall is Patrick?

He’s as tall as six feet! Imagine, almost as tall as most doors.

Who is Patrick married to?

He’s married to Tawny Moyer, and they love spending time together.

Does Patrick have pets?

Yes, he has a cat named Stella. They love playing and cuddling.

What does Patrick like to do for fun?

He loves watching movies, reading, cooking, and traveling with Tawny. He also wants to learn guitar to make music.


In the end, Patrick St. Esprit is a very talented actor who has been in lots of movies and TV shows. He went to a special school to learn acting and then moved to a sunny place called Los Angeles to be in movies. He has played many roles, including police officers and leaders.

Patrick loves his cat, Stella. He enjoys watching movies, reading, cooking, and traveling with his wife, Tawny. He also likes to go for walks. People enjoy watching him on the screen, and he has made many fans happy with his acting. Patrick is a cool actor with a big heart.

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